As I lie
in bed
As I lie in
Letting my
thinking skew...
I find my
soul passionately...
Burning and
yearning all for you...
For your gentle
And your gorgeous
Along with
your tender kisses...
That makes
it worth while...
I miss you
for your kisses...
I ask you
for your hand...
I want you
to take me with you...
Off to a far
away land...
Even though
we have met...
Just a short
time ago...
I want to
be with you forever...
And to never
let you go...
You are so
And I just
want you to see...
You are the
greatest treasure...
That my eyes
have ever seen...
I love the
way you make me feel...
Alive, beautiful
and free...
I just want
you to be lying here...
burning and yearning all for me...